Montblanc Albert Einstein
- By Adam
- In ink
- With 3 Comments
- Tagged with Albert Einstein ink limited edition Montblanc review
- On 26 Jul | '2014
As part of the Great Characters series, Montblanc released their homage to Albert Einstein in 2013 in the form of a limited edition pen (3000 fountain pens, 1500 rollerballs, and 1500 ballpoints) and an accompanying Albert Einstein ink. This ink is a subtle and understated gray color that is reminiscent of the slate of a chalkboard. It has a surprisingly good amount of shading and all of the properties of a well-behaved Montblanc ink. The biggest downside I could think of is the fact that it is a limited edition ink, and once it’s gone it’s gone. I was lucky enough to get my hands on a bottle (which is the same style bottle as Montblanc Alfred Hitchcock, Winter Glow, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.) and I recommend picking one up if you like the look of this lovely gray!
The box art is actually quite nice. It depicts a sea of stars and nebulae with a few of Einstein’s equations scrawled over the top. The entire outside of the box appears to have a light metallic sheen to it.
July 28, 2014 at 3:13 pm |
I have this ink. The properties are as you describe them, but I feel MB missed out on an opportunity to do something special with this ink. For example, I would have liked to see some shiny-flakey inclusions in the ink that would represent the stars in the milky way. These inclusions might lead to a nice sheen on the edges when the ink dries. The sheen would enhance what I consider to be the already rather limited shading.
As it is. I see MB Einstein as a rather uninspiring run of the mill gray ink. Sigh.
Thanks for the review, David
July 29, 2016 at 11:16 pm |
By any chance is this ink for sale? I can pay paypal
July 29, 2016 at 11:23 pm |
This ink is not for sale. This is just an ink review, I am not a distributor. Sorry for any misunderstanding!