Sailor Kobe Nagasawa Sannomiya Panse No. 18
- By Adam
- In ink
- With 6 Comments
- Tagged with 18 ink Kobe Nagasawa review Sailor sannomiya panse
- On 20 Jun | '2014
Sailor Kobe inks are exclusive to the Nagasawa shops and pay tribute to the many faces of Kobe, Japan. Sannomiya Panse shows off the beautiful color of the blooming grasses and flowers along the main street of Sannomiya and hails the arrival of spring.
This is a very bold and vibrant purple ink that has the usual characteristics of Sailor inks. That is to say, it is a deliciously viscous ink with great flow and decent dry times. I found no bleeding or feathering on Rhodia paper unless it is pushed really hard with flex or if the ink is allowed to pool in some cases. The shading is moderate to excellent, depending on the pen. It goes from a very very dark purple to a light, soft purple with a tinge of pink to it. My favorite thing about this ink is how it looks great in broader nibs and finer nibs. It’s really a beautiful ink and the subtleties of the color are a bit lost on a digital screen. I’ll let the pictures do the talking! Another amazing ink from Sailor, and I highly recommend it!
June 21, 2014 at 6:00 pm |
Excellent review, great presentation of just about every conceivable aspect of this ink. Your technical format is very well presented. Ink reviews normally leave me cold but yours is interesting. Kudos
July 7, 2014 at 11:45 pm |
Do these Kobe inks also have the plastic funnel in the bottle like their own [branded] inks?
July 8, 2014 at 7:47 am |
Yes they do, but it is easily removed if you prefer not to use it.
July 8, 2014 at 2:25 pm |
Thanks – I’m probably in a minority but I am a real fan of the funnel!
May 31, 2016 at 10:53 pm |
This looks close to Lamy’s new Dark Lilac ink. I wonder if they got the idea from Sailor?
June 13, 2021 at 6:50 am |
I found this ink on the Jet Pens website.